Can you please navigate to Skype for Business Online Admin Center and see if you are seeing users provisioned in the Skype for Business Admin Centre.
You can use this to make internal and external calls. User account is not provision for Skype for Business Services. To make a phone call, tap on the Dialpad icon. Skype for Business will now only work when you are connected to wifi If internal users cannot sign in with Wi-Fi, external users can sign in with cellular normally, please check following A records in the internal DNS(Lyncdiscoverinternal.) and external DNS(.) firstly. Change to VoIP over Wi-Fi only and deselect Allow incoming cellular call when WiFi is not available. You don't need to change any settings for Skype for Business to work, but if you want to block it from using your data allowance, we can force it to only work on wifi
Your phone number will not be visible to other users This is for call forwarding, which we can disable in settings. You will be asked to enter your phone number.
Users cannot sign in to skype for business mobile full#
Enter your full email address and password. You will be asked for your Organisation sign-in address. Most of these devices work without any problems, but T-Mobile cannot. When you first use the app, you will be asked to sign in Calling and messaging from other apps (Skype, WhatsApp, Google Voice, etc.). You will then be offered the Skype for Business Terms and Conditions. What if I experience problems with Skype for.
These are required to use all of the app features You will need to download the Skype for Business mobile client from the appropriate app store for your device.
When you open the app for the first time Skype for Business will ask for permission to access parts of your phone such as photos, media, camera, microphone, etc.The app is free, but make sure you are connected to wifi so that the download doesn't use up your data allowance